The Mario date was revealed today, a day after Nintendo marked February 14 as the date for a North American DS release of Dragon Quest VI. The company has no games new games slated for the DS or Wii yet for January 2011. It is expected to launch its 3DS gaming system in North America in March.”To: TotiloFrom: LukeI have a limited attention replica Tissot T33.1.558.11 Men's Watch span. Especially when I pick up a stack of s and find, lying under them, a piece of gaming hardware I'd been looking for for weeks.What you may have missed on Kotaku in the last 12 hoursGran Turismo 5 Just Got A Hefty Tune UpGears of War 3 Has 'Special Unlocks' For Serious Epic FansSplinter Cell Re-Releases Creeping Up On The PS3 In 2011Minecraft Enters Beta, Is Now v1.
0Ten Years Of Threadless, Ten Years Of Video Game T-ShirtsRock Band Creators Suing For A Cut Of The Rock Band MoneyMario Isn't Just About Jumping, You KnowThe Ultimate Valkyria Chronicles Tribute”The first downloadable content for Call of Duty: Black Ops has been revealed. It'll go on sale on the Xbox 360 on February 1, and cost $15.The DLC comes in the form of a multiplayer map pack, containing four “regular” levels and one for the game's zombie mode.Two of the regular maps are based on locations from the singleplayer campaign — Hong Kong and the Arctic Circle - while the other two take in Cold War replica Tissot T33.1.538.41 Men's Watch locations we're surprised the game didn't visit first time around: the Berlin Wall and an ice hockey stadium.As we all know, Microsoft struck a deal with publishers Activision for Black Ops' downloadable content to appear on the Xbox 360 first.
So 360 owners, you'll get the pack on February 1, everyone else...well, there are plenty of things you can spend $15 on in the meantime that have a little more substance to them.[Microsoft]"The new Zombie map sold in the $15 Call of Duty: Black Ops "First Strike" expansion will be called Ascension, according to an Activision replica Tissot T001.520.44.061.00 Men's Watch press release. Any theories on what that means? First Strike will be available for Xbox 360 download on Feb 1; other platforms later."Retro City Rampage, an ode to both the games and culture of yesteryear, was one of the few WiiWare games we'd been looking forward to as 2011 draws nearer.